Stitch from Stash April Report

So I started the month of April by teaching in Logan.  The 2 hour drive to Logan means a visit to Donnett at Embroidery Central.

Through everyone’s Facebook progress pictures, I was falling in love with some of the new Mirabilia’s  and Donnett stocks more Mirabilia’s than any other retail location in Utah.  She also had a copy of My Christmas Quilt by Emie Bishop.  Which gives us a grand total spent of $24.00.  That was going to be my total spend for the month.  But then I started working on Fruit BellPull by Teresa Wentzler and realized that I was missing the 612 and the 3747 but it was okay, I could work around it for awhile.  I did get some progress done on the piece, not much though…

April 034

I did get my Dr. Who quilt pieced and put together except for the outer border.

April 042

I took it to ComicCon FanX with me and Hal the Archer added his signature to it.

April 045

That wasn’t the only signature I got that weekend.  I have a nice start to my Star Trek quilt.

The start of my Star Trek quilt....

The start of my Star Trek quilt….

Seven signatures is a start.  It would be nice if I had been able to get William Shatner and Patrick Stewart for a full 9 blocks.  I’m sure that over time I’ll be able to add 2 more.  The husband would like me to get Dwight Schultz since he loved the character of Reginald Barclay.

So after getting the 7 signatures for my quilt, I wanted some #12 black perle to embroider them in place.  I’ve heard horror stories of people losing the signatures on T-shirts so I’ve pressed these in place and now it’s time to stitch over them, except I was out of #12 black perle cotton.  So I did hit JoAnn’s and I bought the 2 missing floss and a ball of #12 perle – Total $2.60.

That gives me a monthly total of $26.60 for April.  Good thing I didn’t spend all my money in previous months…

The only problem I have now is that I’m thinking the Star Trek signatures should be done in silk.  I think I have some black Subtlety in my stash if not, guess what I’m buying next month…


The ComicCon fitness report


First day of ComicCon – Working with Team Trek and looking for Gates McFadden’s missing glasses.


Working with Tom Kane and Roger Jackson.


Back with Team Trek.  No panel, doing autographs and photo ops only


Day after ComicCon.
All I could think was if I hurt this bad, what do the stars feel like after writing out over 500 autographs, standing for over 106 pictures per day, living on snacks because they didn’t want to disappoint fans in line by taking a break for lunch.

No comment needed….

Except maybe to be embarrassed by the fan-girl grin…


Photo courtesy of SLTrib



How do you keep your stash organized?

Wait, I’m supposed to organize my stash?  It’s not supposed to be in piles around my stash room?  Or stuffed into shelves and baskets?

I will admit the one place I am organized is my patterns.  I have filing cabinets for those.  They are in order by designer and date published.  I’ve tried multiple way to organize my quilting fabric – by color, by size of pieces, and by possible project.  Um, still doesn’t work.

Threads are fairly organized.  By maker (Weeks, DMC, Anchor), then style (floss, perle, silk, etc), then number.

Stitching fabrics are organized by count then color name.

But that’s the extent of organization….