First check in for the second half of the year – Stitch from Stash

And we are now in part B of this year’s Stitch from Stash experience.  Business first – Spend $20.44 Earned $6.00 Total $14.44

The items I bought were beads and wisper for Raven Queen and the JCS Halloween issue.

The earn is for finishing the Lauren Sauer Basket of Roses Scissor Fob

Lauren Sauer fob

I found the monogram in a book I had in my stash.  It does look better from a distance than up close.  The current rotation slot is Summer Carousel Horse by Theresa Wentzler.  I’ve finished the first page of the working copy and I’m working on the 2nd page.  I would like to finish about 1/2 of this page during this rotation slot.


I need to put the electronics down and stitch more.

Angst over the WIP list…

Several years ago I followed the advice of an article in Just CrossStitch magazine and pulled out all my started but incomplete stitching projects and made a list of where I was on stitching them and what the next step was.  I discovered that when I had all the stitching done and just needed to backstitch, I would quit the project. So I started backstitching as I go and that has helped.  But since then, I’ve kept a spreadsheet of my Works In Progress (WIP list).  Over the years I’ve added additional information such as stitch count; if it’s a small, medium, or large project; how many hours I’ve dedicated to stitching it; and where it is currently stored if it’s not on the stitching stand.

The largest my list has been is 68, the smallest since I started keeping track is 32.  I find that I’m comfortable with 36 projects on the list and if it goes any higher I get anxious.  This leads me to my current dilemma.  As an officer in my local EGA chapter, I participated in our class from a visiting teacher, Lauren Sauer, and started two of the projects she taught the class.  I finished the first 2 rows of the Anniversary Rose sampler and I finished over half of the Basket of Roses scissor fob.  I should add that both of these projects are over 1 thread projects and I definitely needed magnifying to work on them.  Both projects added to my list brought me to a total of 36 projects.  Normally, this would be fine but I had told myself and my kids earlier this year that once I finished over 50% of Mirabilia’s Autumn Queen, then I would start one of the other queens.  I have both Spring and Summer kitted up and ready to go.  They have been ready to go since 2004 when I got a yard of Silk/Linen to work with for them.

Maybe it’s the talk at work of enforcing WIP limits but I hit 69% on Autumn Queen this weekend and although I really want a new start, I look at the list and think, not going to happen until something else comes off.   So do I work on the over one stitches to finish the monogram and design on the scissor fob or do I work to finish off Autumn Queen before I start the next queen?  Maybe I work on OverDyed Dragon which has under 10,000 stitches left.  OR I could work on Tide Pools which has about the same number of stitches left as Autumn Queen but goes quickly once I get in the groove of working on it.

But as I get close to a finish, I also have to take into account my track record with completion anxiety.  Just so you know, when I get close to finishing a large or medium piece, I slow down or find excuses not to stitch. (Facebook and associated games have become a great distraction). In trying to analyze this, the best analysis I have found is I have worked so long on the pieces that they have become friends and it hurts to end the friendship even if it means they will be moving to the walls. I end up bribing myself with such things as, if I put one strand in the almost finished piece, then I can work the rest of the evening on a piece that excites me.  I usually end up putting 3 or 4 strands in the anxiety piece before moving on so that works well.

So to help with the decision, I added a new column to my spreadsheet called stitches remaining.  Interestingly, there are fewer stitches left on Fruit Bellpull by Teresa Wenztler than I have left on Autumn Queen. But the scissor fob is definitely the piece with the fewest stitches remaining to do before it’s done.  Maybe I should look at getting a stronger pair of magnifying glasses and just finish it so I can start a new queen.  Now just to focus on the seasonal queens and put thoughts of Mirabilia’s Raven Queen to the side.