Summer Reading…

I used to love Summer because it meant I could start working on my To Be Read pile.  Growing up the two times that the TBR pile would get lots of love is Christmas vacation and Summer.  For some reason, even after school ended and I associated Christmas and summer with reading time and new books.

Last year I didn’t have much time to read since I was looking for work and the TBR pile kept growing.  I’ve been reading more this year but I’m only on track on my Goodreads goal instead of ahead of the curve.  Interestingly, I haven’t been reading anything from my pile.  I’ve been getting library books, just like I did as a child.  However, there is a difference.   When I was a child, I would walk up to Millcreek Library and stay there until they closed.  Now, I hear about a good book, reserve it on the library app on my phone and when I get the text that the book is ready, I go pick it up.   It’s been ages since I browsed the library shelves.  Maybe I should, but I should probably finish up at least a few books from the TBR pile before it expands to a new surface.   It covers the bedside table, the dresser top and the top of the bookshelf.  Books that have been read and are worth keeping go into the bookshelf.   Then again, if I haven’t read them in this long, maybe it’s time to take the pile to the used bookstore and start again.