May started out so well…

The first week of May was amazing, graduations, a wedding, and a new GFB (Grand Fur Baby) but it went downhill from there.

May 12,2020 I was on a virtual stitching group when my sister phoned, I didn’t pick it up but then she called my husband – my family rarely calls in-laws so I knew it was important. She was calling to tell me my younger brother had passed while mountain biking with his son.

The coroner pronounced it a cardiovascular event not a bike accident and family emotions were high as the widow tried to hold a traditional funeral in times of social distancing. I gave the life sketch – a combination of reading the obituary and stories from his life. A better experience was the family only graveside service.

The other bad thing occurring in May is my hands are not just going numb but extremely painful. I’m thinking it’s related to the amount of gaming I’m doing and tension. It’s not carpal tunnel but it could be an ulnar entrapment or a neck or shoulder impingement. It makes it next to impossible to stitch but I’ve managed to put a few stitches into things.

Peppermint Blackwork SAL

However, I did this much on the Peppermint Blackwork SAL and decided that I’m not happy with the fabric or maybe it’s the thread choice. I’m trying to decide if I should stick with this fabric and change the thread colors or start over with the same threads but a different fabric. Would appreciate thoughts on it.

Magical Mystery Tour by Blackbird Designs

I did get some done on Magical Mystery Tour for DH – I’m taking the Blackbird Designs pieces and putting them on a single piece of fabric. this is Strawberry Fields and Octopus’s Garden.

Tony Minieri’s Stars for a New Millennium

I did get a full block done on Stars for a New Millennium. Some friends realized I needed some girl time and I’m occasionally doing virtual stitch time with them.

It was a busy weekend

It started Friday with virtual graduation.

And continued on Saturday with a wedding…

And Sunday we added a grand-furbaby.

Meet Gimli

And sometime over the weekend my husband dislocated his clavicle and is headed to the doctor today.