Wednesday WIP post (on time for once)


So here is my progress for this week.  Apples are almost done and the leaves have progressed nicely. I didn’t have any scroll bars free so I’ve been working on it with a hoop and I left the hoop on the other night and I’ll need to do some ironing before I move to the next square. For a TW and limited stitching time it’s been moving quick.

Another Late Wednesday WIP post…


First off for show and tell is my Celtic Steps on 40 count silk gauze.  I thought the penny made a good comparison for the size of the finished piece.

Next is a shot of my decade old WIP that I pulled out this month.  Image

Okay that is odd it shows up with the peaches on top and not sideways in the file before the upload.  I guess this is WordPress’s idea of “helping” me with an odd shaped vertical picture.  Anyway, I’ve made some good progress on the apples block,  I wish I had taken a before picture so you could see the progress but I’ll try and get a WIP picture on Wednesday because I have made progress since this picture was taken.  

I also finished making my Lizzie Kate Halloween piece into a pillow on Saturday but I haven’t taken any pictures of it.  So that was my week in hobbies, how did your week go? 


Pulling out a really old WIP

It’s TWOctober – this means working on one of the numerous Teresa Wentzler patterns I have already started.  For the past several years, it’s been the Carousel Horses but this year, I pulled out Fruit Bellpull.  I’m not sure why.  It’s an ancient piece and I haven’t worked on it for almost a decade (I think the last stitches were in 2004) but there are reasons for that. See back when I cared what my husband’s sister thought and when I was trying to be nice to his family since he was trying to be nice to mine, I agreed to stitch Fruit Bellpull for his sister.  She bought all the supplies with the help of a friend who wouldn’t stitch it for her and gave them to me to work on for her.  She bought Lugana as the fabric.  Well, I don’t stitch on evenweave – I’m a linen girl.  So I would work on it and then rotate it out as soon as I could.

Then came the year after DH’s mother died when his sister could not be bothered to come to the door to get her Christmas gifts and she changed her number without telling us and started sending her bill collectors to our door.  Yeah, gotta love family.  So I put up the bellpull and forgot about it.  Although I did send it out for a round with a UFO exchange.

This year however, it’s been calling to me.  And I’m finding that with my deteriorating sight, evenweave is actually pleasant to work on.  I don’t need the magnifier I can use my reading glasses and see it just fine.  I’ve done quite a bit of work this week. I’ll see if I can find a picture of what it looked like before I started but if not, we’ll just start posting progress pics from where I am now.

And I may have to rethink my opinions on evenweave as a medium.