Grateful for despite of…

I realize that I come from a position of privilege, and I’m grateful for that. Today though, I’m grateful for my obstacles and the examples of people who accomplish much despite of …

I’m grateful that I have a mind that lets me recognize things to be grateful for despite of the many times it spins to analyze hidden pitfalls of good things that happen.

I’m grateful to have a body that functions within suggested guidelines. I admire people who do so much despite the debilitating pain and fatigue they have every day.

I’m grateful that I didn’t have the challenges with my children which I saw other parents have with theirs. I’m grateful that my kids picked good friends.

I’m grateful for obstacles that turned into stepping stones.


Nobody in the future cares about today’s Pandemic…

On my Social media feeds today, I’m seeing pictures of a map with outbreak stats in alarming colors and the text accompanying it talks about how future generations are going to wonder about why people didn’t wear masks.

Umm, NO, future generations if they even know about this time won’t care any more than you cared about the anti-mask movement of 1918, the swimming pool and theatre closures of 1952 and the “don’t worry about it, only gay men get it” feelings of the 1980’s AID pandemic.

Social issues rarely get press time in textbooks unless they influence future policy.

Think about it for a second, anti-vaxxers today tell us that the vaccine for polio is a bigger threat than the disease. They tell us that the photos of people in iron lungs are faked and it’s all about Bill Gates trying to microchip the world.

When you went to nursing or medical school, did they talk about the overtaxed staff in the polio wards or how the medical system was overloaded during the Spanish flu pandemic so they would send people home to die?

Maybe there were family stories. To this day I have trouble with my Aunt’s anti-vax attitude since my grandmother would tell me how grateful she was that same Aunt and Uncle got the real vaccine in the polio trial. The invitation to participate came after my father survived a polio infection. And the family story is that he survived because of miraculous blessing.

Since history repeats itself, the things I’m more worried about right now is giving government control to regulate even more of my life because temporary orders get lifted but permanent laws take a long time to be repealed. (Google how long the government kept collecting the tax to pay back the debt of the Spanish American war).

I will follow my state and county orders to stay at home and I will wear a mask in public and after they have either a vaccine or a cure, I will have stories to get my progeny which they may or may not believe based on their friends and social media circles. I wonder though what historians will say about this time, will they remember the political upheaval? Will they remember the social distancing? Will they talk about how it was the start of the permanent divide or the catalyst that brought the world together? History is written by the victors who will be victorious and write how we are remembered?

For the first time in 30 years, I will not be a poll worker tomorrow.

During the Clinton era, I became a poll worker. I wanted to get involved in a neutral way to help with politics and helping people vote. For the last several elections, I’ve been a provisional judge. That means, if you aren’t in the register, I provide a way for you to cast a ballot that will be reviewed by the county clerk and determined if you were an eligible voter. If you were eligible your vote will be counted and if not, it will be discarded (Please, don’t ask how they do that on the computer when it’s supposed to be a secret ballot)

In 2016, every registered voter in Salt Lake County, UT was mailed a ballot and the thought was that the in person polling places weren’t going to be needed on Election Day. If you wanted to do in person voting, early voting was available so the county clerk figured that Election Day would be pretty slow.

Well, it wasn’t! I was on my feet for 14 hours and it was crazy. I barely got two chances to pee. I had no time for a lunch break and I about broke when I had 2 of the provisional voters tell me that they had been sent from another polling location because the provisional line had been too long.

I suggested to my poll location manager that we implement ADA guidelines for lines similar to those of Salt Lake FanX. We set up a seating area for those who didn’t have the ability to stand in line and gave the person who was in line ahead of them a name card to give to the line control person when they got to the front, the line control person would then call the name for the voter who was waiting in the seated area.

I processed over 300 provisional ballots and got called lots of names and explained the rules more than 300 times.

Two years ago, I was also a provisional judge and had a woman mark that she was not a US citizen but demand a ballot anyway (medical marijuana was on the ballot so it was as crazy as the presidential election). Thank goodness for the man with his new citizenship papers that told her since she’s been in the US since the mid-70’s she has no excuse for not going through the process to get her citizenship. After all, he did it. I’m so glad she left instead of demanding I give her a provisional ballot.

So tomorrow, I have some important meetings at work. I really don’t have the energy to put up with the abuse that will be levied at the poll workers tomorrow. I have put up with enough craziness in 2020, I did not need to set myself up for any more. I went and voted early (wasn’t going to take the chance on a signature not matching on a mail in ballot). During early voting, I questioned my decision but the more I think about it. It’s the best choice.

See you again at the polls in 2022, I’ll be behind the desk again.